Intended audience: AudioEye Partners and customers with start dates prior to November 5, 2024
In order to understand why your score will fluctuate in the first week or two after you've activated AudioEye it is important to understand how we monitor your site.
AudioEye monitors your site in real time - each time a page on the site is visited, monitoring is run and data is returned to AudioEye. Because user visits are driving real time scans it may initially take some time to build up a full view of your site.
When you first signup for an AudioEye account we do an initial scan of just your home page. This score is a representation of your pre AudioEye score. As soon as you install AudioEye we start collecting pre & post information about all of the pages on your site (as they are visited).
If you return to your dashboard after installation the scores you see will now be representative of all pages that have been scanned, and so your pre AudioEye score may be different as it could include more pages than just you home page.
Your score will then likely continue to change and fluctuate as AudioEye learns about the rest of your site. How long it takes for your score to settle depends directly on site traffic, however AudioEye generally has a full view of your site within a few days or a week at most so we advise checking back in one week from the date of install.