You can check the number of monthly pageviews in Google Analytics or another web analytics software. Every time a user visits a page on your site, AudioEye detects it as a pageview. The number of visits recorded by AudioEye is typically the same or fewer than in your Google Analytics.*
To check the number of monthly pageviews in Google Analytics, please follow these steps:
• Log into your Google Analytics dashboard.
• In the left-side navigation menu, expand "Behavior" => "Site Content" => "All Pages."
• Locate the date range in the upper-right section and click the dropdown arrow. Select a period from “Date Range” and click "Apply."
• The first row of the table under the “Pageviews” is your total pageviews for the selected period.
NOTE: AudioEye counts every pageview where the JavaScript was loaded, because our service runs every time a page is loaded or refreshed. When checking Google Analytics monthly pageviews, please do not filter or exclude any users/IPs. Pageview count differs from the number of unique views or unique users, which measures multiple views by the same user during the same session as one view.
* The number of pageviews recorded by AudioEye could be different from Google Analytics, as AudioEye counts pageviews only when our script is fully loaded, which happens as the last step. If a user quits a page before AudioEye is loaded, Google Analytics will register this pageview, but AudioEye will not.
If the number of pageviews from AudioEye and Google Analytics is significantly different, please check if the AudioEye script installed on all pages. You can adjust your Google Analytics pageview report to only include pages with the installed script.
If you have any further questions, please contact us.