AudioEye solutions help ensure the highest level of access for all users, regardless of individual ability. The free assistive tools made available within websites enabled with the AudioEye solution have benefits for all site visitors, but, in particular, aging populations and individuals who have vision, hearing, motor and intellectual (cognitive) disabilities, those who are color blind, epileptic, dyslexic, are learning to read, learning a second language, or may prefer listening instead of reading.
Articles in this section
- Accessibility Protection Status
- Performance & SEO with AudioEye
- The AudioEye Scanner
- What disabilities are addressed by the AudioEye solution?
- Does AudioEye make changes impacting the visual display of my site?
- Does AudioEye work within our company's Intranet and/or behind a login?
- Which Browsers and Screen Readers are Supported by AudioEye? Does AudioEye work on mobile and responsive websites?
- How long would manual remediation take on my site?
- The accessible menu
- Does the AudioEye solution address third-party content and/or iframes?